Greetings from Cambodia.
God has continued to move wondrously in this nation. We are still seeing salvations taking place very regularly. It is always exciting to see people come in unsaved & leave saved. In recent weeks we have even started to see backsliders coming back to church. There has also been an increase in the number of children coming for Children's Church which we hold during the evening services. Many of this children started coming by themselves and now they are coming with their family and friends for services. This is truly encouraging to see how God can also use children to bring in the unsaved.
In May we managed to take a few of our congregation for the Annual Pioneer Rally in Malaysia. All this time they had heard about our Fellowship and known what they were part of. But there is nothing like being able to experience it personally. They were able to meet fellowship saints from other nations & hear their testimonies. They were able to see what God has done in these nations. This stirred them & they came back willing to labour more for God. This has allowed us to challenge the congregation to take greater steps of faith & commit their lives even more to God.
In July we partnered with 2 of our fellowship churches here in Cambodia to help them minister at their church events.
(20 Jul 12 Fri - Preaching at Takmao Volleyball court).
One event took place at a different province called Takmao about an hour's drive, pastored by Paris Dominguez from the United States. Our churches joined together to fast and pray and then we went for an outreach to invite the local people staying at the surrounding area. Pastor Adrian preached on Friday night at the out-door volleyball court and there was a good turn up from the neighbourhood, we estimated about 40 people who came to hear God's word preached and there were some people who watched from their shops and homes. After the preaching, we had an altar call and a few people came forward to receiving Christ. We had about 20 of our congregation come along to support the Takmao church. Some of them sacrificed their extra income by not working over-time on this day so that they can come to help support the work in Takmao.
(27 Jul 12 Fri - Concert at Toul Kok)
The following week, we had the other event at a place called Toul Kok, pastored by Sasha Oficero from Russia. They had just moved to this new location a few weeks back. Their building faces a very busy main road & we held a simple concert for them with the church doors wide open & the music blasting. It was a challenge for us because we had to sing all the songs in English & Khmer. But God moved & it all went smoothly. There were visitors who came from around the neighbourhood but more importantly people are now aware that there is a radical church in their neighbourhood. We had about 18 people from our congregation come to help support the work there as well.
On Sunday 5 Aug we had our 2nd water baptism for the year and baptized 8 new converts of which 4 was a whole family who had got saved in February and had been coming on a regular basis for our church services. Those who got baptized were confident in their decision to obey God and were excited about it. We held the baptism on a Sunday night & treated it like a testimony service with those getting baptized testifying about what God has done for them. It was great time as we had about 20 visitors attend that service. That night we had a record of 70 people in attendance. Truly it is the work of God as these visitors had not known about the baptism but had come from regular invitation & witnessing.
We would like to thank God for all that He is doing here. Continue to pray for us as we pray for you.
God Bless
Adrian & Jasmine Asir
Christian Fellowship Church
Steung Mean Chey
Phnom Penh
The Potter's House Christian Church
A local Church with a global vision. Where the only boundaries lie with your choice to be either active or passive in your response to God's call.
2008-2025 Potters House Preston
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